Make a complaint

We can only investigate complaints about services that are either provided or funded by Devon Partnership NHS Trust; if you are unsure please contact the PALS Team who can advise you further. We take complaints very seriously and treat them in confidence and you can be assured that any complaint will not affect ongoing or future care in any way.

In order to make a complaint, we will need to know:

  • Which team or staff member you are wishing to make a complaint about
  • When the event you are wishing to complain about occurred
  • What you would like as an outcome to your complaint
  • Your details so that we can respond to you

You can complain about your own care, or the care of someone else if you have their written permission, you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16, you are next of kin and the person does not have capacity to complain themselves, or you are next of kin and the person has sadly passed away. On receiving the complaint the Patient Experience Team will contact you with a consent form if this is required.

PALS is available to provide information and support to resolve your concerns and discuss how you want to address them. PALS can also provide information about advocacy services for people who may need this type of service to help them voice their concerns. PALS provides a confidential service which does not act without your permission.  The Devon Advocacy Consortium (DAC) provides NHS complaints advocacy, jointly delivered by nine charitable organisations across Devon and Torbay.

DAC can be contacted 0845 231 1900 or via their website:

To make a complaint, please follow the link below.

Make a complaint
