
Chichester is one of our four locations at Langdon. It is a low secure unit with 15 beds and provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary care and treatment for adult men who demonstrate challenging behaviour in the context of a serious mental disorder.

Chichester provides a safe and secure environment to deliver short-medium term treatment programmes to support people when they leave us and return to the community.

Your care

Our aim is to provide a safe and supportive environment where people can receive the care, treatment and encouragement they need to help them manage their lives as independently as possible through multidisciplinary working. This means that care and treatment is provided by a team of professionals including doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists.

You will be closely involved in planning your care. As well as routine meetings every three weeks, you will be invited to attend more detailed meetings every three or four months to see how things are going. You can invite friends, family members or an advocate (someone to speak on your behalf) to these meetings. Independent advocates visit the unit on a regular basis and will be happy to talk to you about your needs.

What happens when you arrive?

You will be shown around and introduced to staff and other people staying at Chichester House. Through an induction session they will explain everything about the unit, daily routines and what to expect during your stay.

Primary Nurse

When you arrive you will also be allocated and meet your Primary Nurse, who will be your main contact and an important source of help, support and advice. You will also have a named responsible clinician who will be responsible for your overall care. They will work with you to make a plan of your needs whilst at Chichester. This will include treatment, activities and leave from the unit and will be regularly reviewed with you. Arriving, meeting people and getting used to things can be an upsetting time. You may wish to talk to someone or to contact a relative or a friend and we can help you do this.

Keeping in touch 

Everyone has access to the unit’s payphone. Your friends and family can contact you by calling the office number. They can also write to you. The payphone number is 01626 884414. The office number is 01626 884402.

Meals and dietary requirements

Breakfast, lunch and an evening meal are provided and people are asked to choose from a daily menu. Special diets can be catered for on request. There is a kitchen area where you can make drinks.

Personal property

Valuables can be stored safely for you but we cannot take responsibility for any loss of property. Money can be deposited in the Cashier’s Office. Certain items are not allowed and a list of these is available on request.


All visitors must be on the approved visitor list and are welcome between 9am and 8.30pm but staff can help to arrange visits at other times. We will try and make a quiet room available for you. The hospital grounds may also be available for some visits. All visitors must contact the unit to arrange a visit, preferably giving 24 hours notice, and report to the office on arrival. A member of staff will welcome and escort them onto the unit or to the visitors room. If you want anyone under 18 to visit, this will need to be discussed and agreed in advance. There is a child friendly room available.

Leave, recreation and time away

Leave arrangements are different for everyone and will be discussed with you as part of your care plan. Generally, leave entitlement will be extended as your discharge from the unit approaches. A variety of recreational, sporting and creative activities are also available.
