
Benefits, energy and money

National Citizens Advice: Website or phone line: 03444 111 444
Turn 2 Us
Universal Credit Support
Money Saving Expert


Shelter National Helpline: 0808 800 4444
Citizen’s Advice

Jobs, working rights and advice:

Job Centre
Maternity Action
Working Families
Learn Devon
Eat That Frog


Action for Children’s Parent Talk: A free Monday to Friday one to one online chat facility to speak with a parenting coach. The website includes lots of useful articles.
Action for Children’s Dots: Advice, resources and signposting from the AFC Under 5’s team.
HenryHealthy start, Brighter future
Best Beginnings (free online group support sessions for antenatal and postnatal parents)
Incredible Years
Institute of Health Visiting
Family Line
: We are here to provide a listening ear, answer those particular parenting questions or help with guidance around more complex issues. We can also provide longer term support through regular sessions with our befrienders and counsellors. All via telephone, text message or email for free. Monday to Friday 9am - 9pm. Telephone: 0808 802 6666, Text message: 07537 404 282, Email: familyline@family-action.org.uk  or live web chat through
Family Lives: 0808 800 2222 (9am – 9pm Mon- Fri, 10am-3pm Sat and Sun) Online Chat available 1.30pm – 5.30pm Mon – Fri.
Young Parents Advice
Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood: Practical information and peer support for disabled parents 
Tiny Happy People can help you develop your child’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life
Hungry Little Minds: Simple, fun activities for kids, from new-born to five. 
Words For Life: Gives you an idea of what communication milestones your baby and child might reach as they grow. There are ideas for fun activities you can do together to help your children develop their skills.
Gingerbread: Single Parenting resource website
NSPCC Look Say Sing Play: We’ve teamed up with Vroom™ to give you some fun and easy tips to help you bring even more Look, Say, Sing and Play into your daily routine with your baby.

Health for Teens (confidential advice and support for teenagers)
Health for Kids (health resources for children)


Early Days and Infant Development

Infant Feeding

Coping with Crying

Infant Sleep


Domestic Abuse

Additional Support

Baby Apps

Dad and Partner Links

All information on this website is drawn from up-to-date research and the experiences of many parents of new babies. We hope that you find the site helpful as you learn to live with your first baby.
