The Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) Outreach Service provides assessment and intensive support/treatment of women who would otherwise be admitted to our MBU - Jasmine Lodge, and facilitates early discharge from the MBU in order to prevent relapse and readmission.
The service predominantly supports mothers from across Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, although will accept admissions from other areas of the country if bed availability is limited.
Our MBU Outreach Service offers assessment and treatment of the mother’s mental illness whilst ensuring the developing relationship with their baby.
The service works with mums who are experiencing a severe episode of mental illness. This includes mums who might benefit from an admission to our Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) - Jasmine Lodge - and require additional support.
Jasmine Lodge is located in Exeter and the practitioners from our Outreach Service are based across Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. They work collaboratively with other local health services to ensure mums and their families receive joined-up care, when and where they need it. Our service also includes access to a perinatal consultant psychiatrist, specialist doctor and clinical pharmacist.
The Outreach Service accepts referrals for mothers who would benefit from an admission to an MBU:
Mothers will not be under the care of the Outreach Service if:
A health care professional who is currently working with you can make a referral to us. This may be your doctor, midwife, health visitor or a mental health practitioner. They will discuss this with you before completing our referral form. We are not able to accept self-referrals.
Women who are experiencing significant mental health difficulties during the last trimester of their pregnancy (32 weeks +) or if they have a baby less than 12 months of age
Women who present with an immediate physical risk to their baby, or others, cannot be accepted and may need to initially be admitted to an adult acute ward until the risk reduces.
We operate Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays). You can contact us on 01392 539100.
Duty Worker available Monday to Friday 10am-4pm, outside of these hours please contact Jasmine Lodge and ask for the Nurse in Charge.