
Welcome to the
Older people's mental health service

Our Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) services provide assessment and treatment of older adults who are experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders or schizophrenia. We also provide services to people of any age to assess for dementia and provide post diagnostic support, including the Bristol Dementia Partnership with Alzheimers Society.

Community Services for older people in Devon
Memory Service in Devon
Franklyn Hospital staff in Exeter

Community Services for older people in Devon

Our community services

Our community services for older people work together with people, their family and carers who have mental health needs that cannot be fully met by their GP or other support services.

Memory Service in Devon

Memory services

There are many reasons why people experience memory problems. If you are worried about your memory or someone you know your GP can make a referral to our Devon Memory Service or our Bristol Dementia Wellbeing Service

Franklyn Hospital staff in Exeter

Our wards

Sometimes people will require a stay in hospital on one of our wards where we will provide assessment, more intense care, support and treatment for older people with acute mental health needs.
