More about the service

Who is the service for?

Our service is for people aged 18 years and over.

Conditions we treat

Our Liaison Psychiatry team support people with a range of problems including self-harm, adjustment to illness and physical and psychological co-morbidities, including depression, anxiety, delirium, and dementia.

Opening hours

24 hour response available from Liaison Psychiatry in all 3 localities via the Hospital switch board.

How you can refer into our service

Professionals can contact the Liaison Psychiatry team via the local hospital switch board.

Who will you see?

You will be seen by a member of the multi-disciplinary team which includes nurses, doctors, social workers and occupational therapists; all will have specialist training in mental health.


Open Quote

“Thank you for helping me in my time of need. Not everyone understands alcoholism. I felt respected, understood and grateful at the level of care I received. I have an immense amount of gratitude and respect for your line of work and the NHS. Again, thank you very much”.

Open Quote