Continuing Health Care Learning Disability Commissioning Team

Our service supports people (aged 18 and over) with learning disabilities and very complex health problems to see if they qualify for Continuing Health Care (CHC) NHS funding.

With consent the Commissioning nurse works with the person/representative to gather health evidence to identify if they have a primary health or social care need.

People who become very ill and require a lot more care can have 'fast track' CHC funding which would be set up quickly. The CHC team would be involved and provide support during this time.

People who live in care homes and who are not eligible for CHC funding may be suitable for Funded Nursing Care (FNC) funding. This would pay for additional support if you need it, the Commissioning nurse would assess you and support you to see if you are eligible. If you are suitable for FNC then you would be paid £110 per week to pay for your additional nursing care needs. FNC does not pay for residential care or for care provided in your home.

People who needed to be hospitalised for mental health conditions, may be awarded 117 status. This means the NHS would pay for care after discharge. The person's care needs would be reviewed 6 or 12 monthly by the CHC Commisioning Nurses. Once the person's mental health improves and needs have changed, they may be removed from the 117.

How to access the service

Ask your social or health worker to complete a Continuing Health Care Checklist if you have complex health problems.

If NEW Devon CCG decide the checklist is 'positive' you will be allocated a Commissioning nurse.

Opening hours/out of hours

The Continuing Health Care Learning Disability Commissioning Team usually work between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

If you do not have a health or social care worker but wish to contact the CHC Learning Disability Commissioning Team during weekdays - 8am-8pm or Saturday 9am-1pm phone:

Care Direct on 0345 1551 007

For out of hours phone:
Devon Duty Team on 0345 6000 388
Torbay Duty Team
on 0845 0568 032

Information for carers/families

Usually people have their care paid by social serviecs but if you have a lot of health problems (memory, breathing, behavioural issues, epilepsy) then the NHS may pay for care.

Once the Commissioning nurses have gathered the health information needed they will arrange a multidisciplinary team meeting with you, your representative, health and social care workers to talk about your needs.

A Decision Support Took will be completed, once agreed by the MDT it will be submitted to NEW Devon CCG verification panel.

A decision will follow. If you disagree with the decision then an appeal process can begin.

If you are eligible for CHC funding, after 3 months another DST will be completed to see if there have been any chnages in your needs. If not you will be reviewed again in 12 months.

Types of information needed by CHC Commissioning Nurses

Clinic letters and reports, epilepsy charts, medication records, behavioural incident charts, body maps. Your GP and other health staff (physiotherapist, speech therapist) will be asked about your health too.

Who will you see?

A CHC Commissioning Nurse will contact you or your representative to arrange to meet up and talk about the CHC process.

What if I need services?

If you are eligible for CHC funding then the Commissioning nurse will ensure that your care needs are met. This would be done by listening to you, your representative and other health professionals. Together an appropriate care package would be set up to promote/maintain your health and to keep you safe, whilst enjoying life.

If you are no eligible for CHC funding then your social care worker would be responsible for setting up your care package.

Words you hear but might not know what they mean

  • Continuing Health Care Funding means funding paid by the NHS not social services
  • Consent means agreeing to something
  • Your representative means someone who supports you like family or friend
  • CHC Checklist means paperwork used to see if your health needs need to be looked at further
  • Commissioning Nurse means a nurse who finds out about your health needs and writes them down
  • Evidence means proof of your health needs
  • Decision Support Tool means paperwork used to see what your health needs are
  • Multi-Disciplinary Team means you, family or friends, health & social care staff, your providers of care meeting together to discuss your needs.
  • New Devon Clinical Commissioning Group means an NHS group in Devon who decides how to spend NHS money
  • Eligible for CHC funding means your care can be paid by the NHS

Useful links that might help you

Getting involved

We are keen to make sure that people who use our services are offered the opportunity to be involved in helping improve the services we provide. Please let us know if you would like to help or have some good ideas to share with us. 


Let us know your thoughts by completing our Friends and Family Test.
