Support while you wait

In recognition of the important need to offer help, support and reassurance to patients waiting for their first appointment with the Laurels, we have commissioned a free, confidential and independent telephone and information service.

This is delivered by Gendered Intelligence – an organisation which is committed to improving the lives of trans people. 

The support they offer is provided by workers who have lived-experience of gender identity services, and includes:

  • confidential support
  • helpful information
  • advice about resilience and self-care

Please do make use of this service to discuss any concerns or queries you may have ahead of your first appointment.

You can use the telephone support service to:

  • prepare for your first appointment
  • gather information about the service and the assessment process at the West of England Specialist Gender Identity Clinic
  • seek support and wellbeing advice
  • seek information about support groups available

The telephone support service is not:

  • part of the assessment process
  • able to change appointments at the West of England Specialist Gender Identity Clinic
  • for medical advice regarding gender affirming medical interventions
  • an emergency service In case of an emergency please ring the emergency services on 999

You can get in touch with Gendered Intelligence in whatever way you feel most comfortable:

To find out more about the support on offer visit

This service can be contacted:

  • Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday - 2-7pm
  • Wednesday and Friday - 10-3pm

Contacts made outside of these hours will be picked up and responded to as soon as possible. Please do make use of this service to discuss any concerns or queries you may have ahead of your first appointment at the Laurels GIC. 

Waiting for surgery?

Patients who have been referred for surgery can access the NHS Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service (GDNRSS) on their Support and Information Line -- 01522 85 77 99.

GDNRSS can provide information about your surgery referral, the status of your chosen surgical provider, and practical information such as travel & parking, who can accompany you, what to take with you, and where to report when you get there. 

The lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm.          

