

The West of England Specialist Gender Identity Service offers assessment and support to people aged 17 and above with Gender Dysphoria.

Our multi-disciplinary team works with people who have a wide variety of needs related to their gender identity. Your journey with our service will be built around your unique needs. Everyone has access to a Named Professional for advice and support throughout their time with our service.

Broadly speaking, your journey will start with an assessment to fully understand your circumstances and your needs. We will then establish a diagnosis and agree a treatment plan with you. This will include looking at a number of possible treatment options with you, the most common of which are:

  • Hormone therapy
  • Voice and communication therapy
  • Facial hair reduction
  • Genital reconstruction surgery

Other elements of our service include:

  • Peer Support from people with lived experience of gender identity issues
  • Specialist psychological therapies

Our service is commissioned by NHS England and follows their service specification. More details about commissioning can be found on the NHS England website.  

