Community eating disorder service

In April 2016 the Community Eating Disorders Service was piloted, aimed at professionals who required consultation and advice regarding the management of people with an eating disorder who are aged 18 years and above.

Following further investment in 2018/19 the service has developed to also  provide individualised interventions in line with NICE guidelines 69 (2017), including psychological therapies, specialist dietetic support, access to Specialist Nurses and support from Assistant Practitioners.

Assessment, treatment and intervention are  provided to individuals with an allocated Care Coordinator assigned to them by Devon Partnership Trust. GPs should refer to the Single Point of Access in the first instance.

What happens following a referral?

An appointment will be arranged to assess the individual with the most appropriate clinician. The assessment outcomes will be discussed with the multi-disciplinary team before the final assessment report and recommendations are sent to the individual, referrer/Care Coordinator and GP. Following assessment, if admission to The Haldon Inpatient Eating Disorder Service is required we will manage the referral, and seek to work collaboratively with the individual, family/carers and other professionals to maintain their safety until admission is possible.

The service does not provide crisis response and operates on a 9am to 5pm basis. If you have significant concerns about an individual outside of these hours we would advise you to refer the individual to their GP, or to contact the NHS 111 service.

We continue to provide Consultation and Advice to non Devon Partnership Trust professionals. This can be booked using a booking request form - please click here.

Cornwall EDS:

Somerset EDS:
