Getting involved

We recognise that caring for or living with someone with an eating disorder can be an enormous strain. Feelings of powerlessness, fear, anger, anxiety, sadness and isolation often stem from not knowing where to get help, or being able to exchange ideas and information. Understanding the illness, its impact on you and your loved one and thinking of ways to challenge the aeating disorder, can be invaluable.

You play a vital role

We know that eating disorders can present families with various and unique challenges. Family members, friends and supporters play a vital role in supporting people who are struggling with an eating disorder.

Learning and understanding new skills that are taught at The Haldon has proved to be helpful.

Family and supporters need to look after their own wellbeing as they play a very important role and can have a very positive effect on the recovery of those that they look after.

About the meetings

The family and friends support group meetings provide a mutually supportive and confidential environment, to share experiences and ideas and to think about ways of helping in the process of recovery.

Everyone is welcome. The group is an open forum and everyone including siblings, friends, grandparents and spouses are welcome.

Tea and coffee will be available.

When and where?

The family and friends support group is held at The Haldon every first Wednesday of the month from 6.45pm – 8.15pm. Come along and join us. If you’d like further information please contact: 01392 208263.

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