Who will you see at your sessions?

Your local Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) is made up of various different professionals. Alongside your key worker, here’s a list of some of the people you might meet and what they do:

Mental health nurse

A mental health rurse will work closely with you, your carers and other members of the team to plan your care. They can help you set goals and plan for the future, and are trained to assist you to manage medication. 

Occupational therapist

An occupational therapist, or an OT, will work with you to identify any difficulties you may have in performing everyday tasks, and will help you to work out practical solutions. They can work with you to set goals that can help you maintain, regain or improve your independence and general health and wellbeing. 

Social worker

A Social Worker can arrange any necessary assessments for support that you may be entitled to. They can give you and your family information and support to deal with a range of issues such as housing, finance, education, child care and respite care.


Clinical and counselling psychologists are specialists in psychological approaches to mental health problems, including psychological therapies, and are not medical doctors. They can offer advice and guidance about psychological aspects of your care, including whether you might benefit from a structured psychological therapy following these initial treatment sessions. 

Consultant psychiatrist

A psychiatrist is a doctor who specialises in mental health. If you meet a Consultant Psychiatrist during your treatment, they’ll discuss the results of your assessment and diagnosis with you, and talk about available treatments and medication. A consultant psychiatrist can prescribe medication if you need it. They may want to meet with you again to review the effects of any treatments.

Support worker

A support worker can help you to develop day-to-day skills, plan activities and participate in groups. They are there to support you, your carers, family and friends. Your care plan will require a commitment from you to complete tasks set by your key worker - we may allocate a support worker to assist you in completing these tasks.
