Referred to our service? What happens next...


We support mental health recovery for people aged 18 to 65. People are referred to us by their GP and will be offered an initial assessment in one of our new, modern Health and Wellbeing Clinics. Ongoing care and support is provided by our community mental health teams. If someone requires admission they will be supported by our staff in hospital and by our home treatment teams.

Waiting room at Wonford House, Exeter
Reception at Wonford House, Exeter
Seating area at The Cedars

Waiting room at Wonford House, Exeter


Initial assessments are offered in one of our Health and Wellbeing Clinics located in Exeter, Torbay and Barnstaple.


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Reception at Wonford House, Exeter

Care and treatment

If you have been referred to one of our Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) we will work together with you on an agreed plan of care and treatment.


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Seating area at The Cedars

Urgent care

Sometimes people may need more intense care and treatment, which may require a stay in one of our hospitals or intense home treatment, provided by our home treatment teams.


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