Devon Adult Autism Intervention Team (DAAIT)

DAAIT forms part of the of the Devon Health & Social Care Systems response to the needs of autistic adults across Devon. The service has been commissioned to work across the whole of Devon, including Plymouth & Torbay. Staff will work with colleagues within the individuals existing health, social care and support networks to aim to:

  • Prevent unnecessary hospital admission
  • Reduce length of stay
  • Prevent placement/accommodation breakdown including within family home
  • Support the individual and their team(s)/supporters to better understand:
    • - Where autism is impacting on the person’s stability;
    • - The barriers to interventions/treatment options and solutions, where autism is the key or contributing factor to individuals needs/concerns.

The team are mindful that when new services are set up there are often expectations that colleagues and those using services/families have. So whilst this is an exciting development it’s also important that people understand the key things the service is not commissioned to provide.

DAAIT will not be able to provide:

A care coordination function, and as a result the expectation is that DAAIT staff will work as part of the overall health and/or social care network around the person at that time. Any work, regardless of tier, will be time limited;
An emergency or crisis response;
Services/treatment which can be provided by mainstream services, with reasonable adjustments.
The Team is small, but consists of the following staff: Clinical Psychology, Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychiatry, and Admin. Where referral criteria is met, the team offer is based on a tiered approach:

  • Tier 1 – Signposting and advice.
  • Tier 2 – Consultation and guidance, potential training – working with the individual's team.
  • Tier 3 – Assessment, formulation and provision of time-limited interventions relating to autism.

The Referral form and Guidance can be found here.  

The team can be contacted on or 01392 208371, and operates Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) 9am to 5pm.

Useful links