World Down's Syndrome Day!

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, Learning disability, News on 21st March, 2019

Today is World Down’s Syndrome Day (WDSD), which brings people from all over the world together to raise awareness of, and celebrate the lives of people with, Down’s Syndrome. 

Down Syndrome International has joined up with national charities, such as the Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) in the UK, to develop activities and events to raise awareness, support and wellbeing for those living with Down syndrome. This year the global theme and events are focusing on ensuring that we ‘Leave No One Behind’.  They want to encourage everyone to get talking about WDSD; highlight what it is like to have Down’s syndrome and the vital role those with Down’s syndrome play in our communities. A key message of the day is that every single person with Down’s syndrome should have the same opportunities as everyone else, in ALL areas of life.
Another key message of the day is to encourage people with Down’s Syndrome to attend an annual health check with their GP. Our Primary Care Liaison Teams can help to support individuals with these visits if needed.

If today you see someone wearing bright mismatched socks, please don’t think that it was a rushed early morning mistake! Instead, #LotsOfSocks, official WDSD socks or other brightly coloured, odd socks are the order of the day – celebrating the campaign. 

You can help by spreading the word by wearing odd socks, and, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing today, making sure you have a conversation that raises awareness of Down’s. Share your pictures and videos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and post your examples using the hashtags #LotsOfSocks, #WorldDownSyndromeDay and #WDSD19.

More information on our learning disability services is available here.