Trust’s commitment to climate change agenda

Posted on 28th April, 2008

The Trust recognises that climate change poses a substantial challenge for human health and wellbeing and for the provision of health and social care services. Sustainable development is key to minimising the harmful effects of human activities on the climate and environment. In March, members of the Trust Board agreed a statement of intent and action plan that details a number of initiatives that we will be adopting during the year. Some of the first steps will be to:

  • Support staff who want to cycle to work, by introducing a loan scheme to purchase a bike
  • Extend the recycling scheme at Tiverton to recycle waste at all our sites Launch a £275k fund to be used for schemes on an ‘invest to save’ basis, to be used for sustainable projects
  • Produce a carbon footprint for the Trust and targets for reduction.
Further details will be announced over the coming months.
Click below to view the related documents: Statement of intent Action plan Sustainable development report for Trust Board
