Three teams shortlisted for Positive Practice Awards

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, Mental health, News on 10th August, 2018

We are proud to announce that we have been shortlisted for three Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards. Bristol Dementia Wellbeing Service; Moorland View and Ocean View Wards and the Perinatal Service have all been shortlisted for the Awards. 

The Positive Practice Mental Health Collaborative is a user-led multi agency collaborative of seventy-five organisations, including  NHS Trusts, CCGs, Police Forces, third sector providers, front line charities and service user groups. The purpose of the collaborative is to identify and disseminate positive practice in mental health services by working together across organisations and sectors, to facilitate shared learning, and to raise the profile of mental health with politicians and policy makers.
Moorland View and Ocean View Wards have been shortlisted in the category "Crisis and Acute Care". Liz Moakes, Senior Nurse Manager said, “Several months ago we were visited by Tony and Angie Russell from the Positive Practice in Mental Health Collaborative, during a wider visit to Devon Partnership NHS Trust. They were so impressed by the work our staff teams carry out everyday to ensure people who stay in our wards have a positive experience, and by the physical environment and positive attitude and culture here that they encouraged us to submit an application into their National awards, for the work done on Moorland View and Ocean View. 
"So, we submitted an application into the category of: Crisis and Acute Mental Health Care for Children and Young People, Adults, Older People (Supported by NHS England) and are delighted to be one of four teams shortlisted, and the only inpatient ward. 
"Our application was very comprehensive covering the work that we do on the wards, how we work with other partner agencies and volunteers to improve the inpatient experience, how we engage with people who use our services and their families. We included feedback from people who use our services and students who have had placements with us and the develop opportunities within our workforce.”
Bristol Dementia Wellbeing Service were also thrilled to be shortlisted. Stephen Collings, Contract Business Manager, said: “We are delighted that we have been shortlisted in the final four for a Positive Practice Award for the category: “Specialist Services with a particular focus on dementia, substance misuse/dual diagnosis, employment, housing or education”. We understand there were over 40 nominations for this category, so it is already an achievement to make it this far. The nomination described the excellent and innovative work the service’s staff do, and the service is proud to receive this recognition."
In an exciting year for our Perinatal Service, their nomination in the Perinatal category is another huge success. This year, we have seen the creation of an interim Mother and Baby Unit, providing a specialist service for women living in Devon who are in the pre and post-natal period and reducing the need for them to travel great distances for specialist treatment. As well as this, the team works hard to offer support and advice in the community to women suffering from maternity-related mental health issues. 
The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in Liverpool on 11 October 2018. Congratulations and good luck to our teams and all those shortlisted. ​You can read more about the event here.
