Thank You Day!

Posted on 14th July, 2014

We are hosting our first Thank You Day on Wednesday 16 July 2014, culminating in a fantastic event taking place at Wonford House, from 12pm - 3pm. Click here or the image and see what's planned. There's so much going on and many donations have been received from staff, people who use our services, local businesses and volunteers. The idea for the day came from Trina Williamson, Support Worker in our Mental Health and Recovery Team in Exeter. Trina comments: Trina says: "Currently, we have our annual Celebrating Achievement Awards which is a lovely event but it does become clear that only limited people get recognised, that is, only those who have been nominated. What I wanted to do was to capture staff that do a fantastic job every day, but rarely get recognition for it - the quiet people, the people behind the scenes, the ones that just come in every day, do their jobs and go again. A service cannot work effectively unless everyone is involved in the running of it - people with lived experience who require support, cleaners who keep all our work areas clean and safe, payroll who deliver our monthly wage, postal workers who deliver our mail every day, administrators without whose support we could not function, the IT department who support the technology we use to do our work, the ESR/eLearning team who provide training and the frontline members of staff who deliver our service. There are so many it’s hard to name them all! This is where I had the idea of creating a “Thank You Day,” where for just a few hours of our working day we give ourselves permission to say ‘Thank You’ in a chilled and relaxed environment." Well done to Trina and everyone involved in organising the event which included Trina's craft group making Recovery Daisy coasters, decorating jam jars for sweets, kindly donated by a local supplier. Thank you!