Support from the Devon Wellbeing Hub over the festive season

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 14th December, 2023

The festive period can be a time of joy and excitement, but it may also be particularly hard for some people. It may bring up feelings of loneliness or you may be feeling financial and work pressures.

If you’re struggling, the Devon Wellbeing Hub is here to help. We realise that for lots of people Christmas is a time to slow down, but this quite often isn’t the case for colleagues working in healthcare, social care and the police. In fact, it can often be one of the busiest and most challenging times of the year.

We want to remind colleagues across Devon that we are here to help if you are struggling this festive period. We can support you with a whole range of issues, including managing stress, financial worries, relationship issues or any other concerns you’re facing with your wellbeing. We can also support your team through wellbeing workshops or reflective practice, giving you and your colleagues the opportunity to think about your collective wellbeing.

Jody Merelle, a Psychotherapist at the Hub, said: “Christmas is a time which can stir up a lot of emotions in people. Many will be looking forward to it with excitement but I have had several conversations recently with people who are worried about how they will feel. This might be because of difficult memories associated with Christmas, complicated family dynamics, a change in circumstances or facing the prospect of being alone. However you are feeling, know that you are not alone. By you reaching out for support, we can help you process your thoughts and find ways of coping through an often complicated time. 

“We would like to wish you a peaceful festive period and look forward to supporting those who need it in whatever way we can.”

Get in touch

If you work in healthcare, social care or the police in Devon, you can contact the Devon Wellbeing Hub for free, confidential support. Please get in touch by emailing or by calling 0300 303 5455. You can also fill out the simple referral form on the Devon Wellbeing Hub website.

Please note, our opening hours over the festive period are slightly different, so please see our amended hours below: