STEPWISE study recruiting people with weight concerns

Posted on 22nd June, 2015

Get involved in the latest research to improve mortality rates amongst people with Schizophrenia, Psychosis and Schizo-affective disorder
STEPWISE is a research study in which Devon Partnership NHS Trust is taking part. It is a randomised controlled trial evaluating whether a group education programme can help people with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective disorder and first episode Psychosis to either maintain or reduce their weight compared to patients receiving usual care (control) based on NICE recommendations.  The education programme runs for four weeks and is designed for people with psychosis taking antipsychotic medication. Participants randomised to the intervention will not be ‘taught’ in a formal way, but rather supported by trained facilitators to discover and work out knowledge, and will be encouraged to use this to inform the goals and plans they make for themselves. Booster sessions and regular contact is provided over twelve months. This study will see if the education programme can help. The programme will include: 
  • Four sessions of support and guidance
  • Some free things to help and support people in managing their weight, such as weighing scales and cook books 
  • Fortnightly support from the facilitators
  • Three booster sessions over the next nine months.
Free taxis are available for taking people to and from groups. Over the next few months we are looking to roll out a series of STEPWISE groups across Devon. Referrals for North Devon will close on Friday 26 June. Referrals for South Devon will close on Friday 18 July.  Referrals for Exeter will close on Friday 14 August. Please click here for the poster which has further information To take part in this research or for more information contact Alice Garrood, Study Coordinator, on 01392 674117 or