Royal opening for new mental health wards in North Devon

Posted on 13th November, 2007

HRH The Princess Royal opened Moorland View and Ocean View wards at North Devon District Hospital on Friday 2 November. Her Royal Highness visited the two new wards, where she met staff, service users, carers and family members.  She will then unveil a plaque to commemorate the opening.
Work started on the £2.7 million project in June 2005.  The first phase, completed last October, involved the construction of a brand new building annexed to the existing Williams Ward.  The second phase, completed in May, involved the complete refurbishment and modernisation of Williams Ward. The completion of Moorland View and Ocean View has greatly improved the therapeutic experience for adults with mental health needs who require a spell in hospital to support their recovery.  It has also enhanced the environment for staff, service users, carers and families. The two 16 bed wards comply with the very latest standards for hospital accommodation, including the provision of single rooms and women-only areas.  In addition, there are four beds equipped with ‘extra care’ facilities – where more intensive assessment, treatment and nursing can be provided.  There are also new facilities for the provision of counselling and other therapies, group and activity rooms, day lounges and three separate garden areas.

  • Click here to see photographs of the Royal visit in a PowerPoint presentation
  • Click here for the PowerPoint viewer program.
