Our 2016 AGM

Posted in News on 17th October, 2016

Around 80 people joined us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Members' Meeting at Sandy Park in Exeter recently. 

All NHS organisations have a statutory duty to convene an AGM, where they share a review of performance from the previous year and make their financial accounts available. 

The event was kicked-off by our Chair, Julie Dent and a review of the highlights of 2015/16 was given by Deputy Chief Executive Sarah Brampton. Ian Henwood talked about his role as the LEAP (Lived Experience Advisory Panel) Coordinator and Paul Keedwell and Chris Burford outlined our new Together programme - which will provide a philosophy and a framework for involving people more meaningfully in our work.

A small group of campaigners from Exmouth attended the event to voice their concern over our plans to move from St John's Court to more affordable premises in the town, and other members of the audience asked questions covering a range of topics.

Music was provided by SHINE, who specialise in music therapy for people on the autistic spectrum, and young Ben Harrison from Sidmouth received a rousing round of applause for his solo performance of his own song, Travel The World.

You can see a copy of the Annual Review 2015/16 here

Limited hard copies are available. If you would like some, please contact

