Occupational therapy intervention for people with dementia
Posted on 11th February, 2016
We are currently recruiting people with mild to moderate dementia and a supporter (family member or friend), to take part in a research study to find out how occupational therapy could be of benefit.
The research study is part of VALID - Valuing Active Life in Dementia - and is a randomised controlled trial where participants will receive around ten hours of occupational therapy or treatment as usual.
Who can take part in the study?
We are looking for people who have been diagnosed with dementia who:
live in their own home or sheltered accommodation
receive four hours' support per week from a supporter (family member or friend)
The supporter also needs to agree to take part.
What would taking part involve?
Participants will be asked to provide some information about their health and wellbeing to a researcher who will visit them at home. The researcher will visit again at three months and six months after that. At about a year and then at 18 months the research team will make contact again.
Participants and their supporters will EITHER receive around ten hours of occupational therapy in addition to any care, treatment or services that are normally provided OR carry on receiving the usual care, treatment and services.
Find out more about VALID and the occupational therapy visits on offer in this leaflet
For further information please contact Faye Dunford, Senior Research Practitioner, on 01392 674117 or email rde-tr.DDC@nhs.net