Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News on 27th March, 2024
National Supported Internship Day is the first national celebration of supported internships in the UK. It was launched in 2023 by charity DFN Project SEARCH and is held annually on 27 March.
One of the most effective ways of helping young people with a learning disability and young people who are autistic on the journey to employment is through supported internship programmes. These provide a structured transition-to-work programme combining real-life work experience with training in employability and independent living skills.
What is a supported internship?
A supported internship is an education programme in a workplace setting designed to help young people with disabilities transition from school to employment. These internships provide opportunities for individuals aged 16 to 24 (up to 25 if they have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan) to gain practical work experience in a real workplace setting. By supporting them into sustained, paid employment not only brings young people financial independence, but it can be key to:
There are also benefits for the economy, employers, families, the local community and wider society.
Charlie completed a Supported Internship at Franklyn Hospital in Exeter and has now gone onto a successful apprenticeship with Devon County Council. Listen to Charlie's story here.
Supported internships, like Charlie's journey with us, highlight the untapped potential in all young people. Essential for building an inclusive future.
If you would like to know more about Supported Internships please take a look at our new FAQ short film.
What will it cost me or my department to offer a supported internship placement?
There is no financial cost to an employer taking on a supported intern. Young people taking part in a supported internship placement are unpaid as it is part of their programme of study at college.
The funding for the Job Coach and any reasonable adjustments required will be managed by the college or local authority directly with the relevant funding bodies.
Please do take a look at the Supported Internships Employer guide for some additional inspiring case studies and FAQ’s.
We are now seeking teams and individuals who would like to find out more about this opportunity, and who may like to offer a placement for a Supported Internship.
If you would like to find out more, please contact Pauline Champion, Early Careers and Volunteers Co-ordinator on
Follow National Supported Internship discussion today on X (Twitter) by using the hashtags #NationalSupportedInternshipDay and #NSID2024