National Patient Survey - (Adults and Older People - Mental Health)

Posted in News on 2nd March, 2007

The 2007 National Patient Survey has been launched and selected Trust service users are encouraged to give thier views. Understanding what service users think about the care and treatment they receive is crucial to improving the quality of care being delivered by the NHS and to ensuring that local health services meet the needs of service users. One way of doing this is by asking service users who have recently used their local health services to tell us about their experiences. In Mental Health, the first national service user survey was undertaken in 2004 and will continue on an annual basis, organised by the Healthcare Commission. This Trust develops a rolling action plan to act on findings from each survey, which is monitored by the Trust Board. The following may be useful for responding to service users in receipt of survey packs:

  • An independent, approved provider - Quality Health - is contracted by the Trust to carry out the survey - although the covering letter is written on Trust letterhead and signed by Iain Tulley. For further details of the survey programme see
  • The questionnaire has been developed through consultation with service users, clinicians and Trusts. It is based upon what is most important from the service user's perspective.
  • 850 service users (over the age of 16) are selected randomly from the Trust's Care Programme Approach (CPA) register. This means that some people may have received questionnaires in previous years.
  • Two reminders will be sent out, unless Quality Health is informed that the service user does not wish to participate. Questionnaires were sent mid February
  • Access to support or advice for service users is detailed in the questionnaire pack
  • The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a core Trust service, available to support and advise service users, carers and Trust staff on this or any other aspect of Trust activity.

