Mental Health Day Opportunities Review

Posted on 15th February, 2015

Devon Partnership NHS Trust and Devon County Council wish to develop the way in which current mental health day opportunities are offered in order to increase individual preferences and widen the range of choices for people. Any changes will include a commitment to ensuring that people have access to meaningful activities and community involvement in order to live independent and fulfilling lives, based on what is important to them. We want to hear views from a wide range of people including individuals using day opportunities, service providers and people working in health and social care.  To do that we will be holding a series of meetings across the county. You will hear from us about proposals for change and will have the opportunity to share your ideas and give feedback.  There will be also be opportunities for discussion and questions about the proposals during the meetings.  The meetings will be held as below and refreshments will be provided: 19th February
Barnstaple (Barnstaple Hotel, Braunton Road, Barnstaple Devon EX31 1LE)
2 to 4.30pm 26th February *****CANCELLED*****
Tiverton (Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Andrew Street Tiverton EX16 6PG)
2 to 4.30pm 23rd February
Okehampton, (Charter Hall, Market Street, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1AA.)
9.30 to 12 noon Due to the size of the venues there will be a limit on numbers of people who can attend therefore we need to know who is coming to each meeting and that all key groups and organisations are represented.  Please email using the email address to let us know if you are attending and at which venue.