Posted on 21st May, 2014
'Strong, healthy and resilient communities' is the theme for Devon County Council’s marquee this year at the Devon County Show which begins Thursday and continues through to Saturday. All the activities hosted under the marquee will be focusing on the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing', a concept initiated by the New Economics Foundation and branded locally by Devon Partnership NHS Trust.
Trained staff from the Health Promotion Devon team – part of the Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust – will be on hand to give people a mini health MOT, complete with a body analysis machine. There will also be information and advice covering a wide range of topics, including mental health, stopping smoking, healthy eating and dental hygiene.
Devon County Council Leader John Hart said: “The Five ways to Wellbeing – Connect, Learn, be Active, take Notice and Get involved – are fundamental to our physical and mental health and are also important factors in healthy communities, and there will plenty of ideas and opportunities for people to get more engaged in their local community, as well as expert advice on staying healthy.”
The ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ arose as part of the National Foresight Campaign which developed a set of recommendations for action. These are based on evidence from over 400 scientists worldwide of what actions people can take that are strongly associated with improved mental health and wellbeing. This health promotion message is all the more attractive because it guides people to value doing things that are simple, available and free.
Click here to find out more about Five Ways to Wellbeing at Devon Partnership NHS Trust.