Feedback sought on community mental health services

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust on 3rd September, 2024

In 2022, we began to transform our community mental health services as part of a national improvement programme known as the Community Mental Health Framework (CMHF).

The Framework has enabled us to change the way we provide care, ensuring that we take a more joined-up and proactive approach, focusing on what matters to individuals as opposed to what is the matter.

When we rolled out the Framework in Devon, we wanted to ensure that we could meet the needs of our populations and deliver care closer to people in their communities, linking in with other services such as the voluntary sector.

We also developed a set of goals to help us ensure we were meeting the aims and ambitions of the Framework.

Now we’re asking for your help and feedback to make sure that we are truly delivering what we set out to do in a short survey which asks for your views if you’ve used our services in the last two years.

We have developed two surveys, one for people who use our services and one for carers/families.

Your feedback will help us to understand what is working well and areas where we still know we can do more to improve the care and support we deliver to you.

Thank you in advance for your help. If you have any questions, please email Cara Allen.

These surveys will close on Monday, 30 September.