Dates announced for gender identity clinic family support group

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Mental health on 25th September, 2018

Our West of England Specialist Gender Identity Clinic runs a bi-monthly family support group, providing support and information in a safe and confidential environment. Family members can meet others who may be in a similar situation to share experiences, ask questions or discuss concerns. The group is run by experienced psychotherapists who are specialists in working with gender identity.

2018 dates

The meetings for the remainder of 2018 will take place on 25 October and 6 December.

The group meets in the meeting room at: 

The Laurels
11 -15 Dix's Field

You are welcome to attend if you are a family member, friend or simply care about someone who is under the care of the clinic.

The group is not open to partners or those romantically involved with someone using the service.

If you require further information please contact the clinic on 01392 677077 or email 

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