Come along to our Mental Health and Wellbeing Fayre and AGM 2018

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Learning disability, Mental health, News on 25th September, 2018

We're hosting our Mental Health and Wellbeing Fayre, as well as our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 27 September at St Stephen's Church in Exeter city centre, from 2pm - 5pm.

Come along and sample free healthy 'mood food', have your blood pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI) checked or try an Indian head or hand massage.

Those attending will also be able to find out more about our services, including the work from our Depression and Anxiety Service, Perinatal Mental Health Service and our Together initiative to involve people in our work.

You'll also be able to talk to our Chair - Julie Dent, Chief Executive - Melanie Walker and senior staff about our performance in 2017/18 and our plans for the future.

Free tea and coffee are also available.
