Celebrating Co-Production Week across Devon

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News on 2nd July, 2024

We’re proud to be celebrating Co-production Week (1 July – 5 July) across the Devon Mental Health, Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Collaborative.

Co-production is a way of working that involves people who use health and care services, carers and communities in equal partnership to help transform services offering people real choice and control.

Monday, 1 July marked the start of Co-production Week 2024 a celebration of the power of co-production to design and develop better ways of doing things in social care, hosted by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

It celebrates the benefits of co-production, shares good practice and promotes the contribution of people who access care and support in developing better social care.

This year’s theme ‘Co-production: What’s Missing’?, invites people to look at the need to go beyond familiar voices and increase equity and diversity in co-production, think about how we can access better training and development and have clear definitions and language around co-production.

Here in Devon, we are championing the use of NHS England’s 10 steps to working in partnership with people and communities. The steps help to break down co-production into tangible actions, including:

1.     People

2.     Equality and Diversity

3.     Stakeholders

4.     Info and Insights

5.     Methods

6.     Timescales

7.     Data capture

8.     Analyse data

9.     Evaluate

10.  Feedback

Sara Traynor, Expert by Experience Lead for the Collaborative, said: “We’re really proud to say that in Devon we are working hard to ensure co-production is at the heart of everything we do and there are so many great examples of where co-production is happening across our services including the Collaborative review of Community Programme Implementation Review (PIR 2), DPT’s recently updated Carers Strategy, Livewell Southwest's Patient Involvement and Experience Strategy, and the Devon Mental Health Alliance’s community listening.

“The 10 steps to working in partnership with people and communities is helping to shape work going forward to ensure we can truly involve people with lived experience at every step along the way in our services.

“You can find out more the statutory guidance on the NHS England website, which includes an accessible and easy-read version. If there is interest, we would like to hold training for staff across the collaborative on this work – please get in touch if this is something you would like to know more about and attend.

“We would also love to hear your examples of co-production, whether you’re a colleague or expert by experience, please get in touch: dpt.mhldnprovidercollaborative@nhs.net.”