Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Research on 20th May, 2022
Today we celebrate our Research and Development Team who continue to deliver research across the organisation. In 2021/2022, 1578 participants were recruited for a variety of projects to provide research opportunities to our service users, their supportive persons, our colleagues and for the general public. International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated...
Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Research on 16th May, 2022
We want to hear your thoughts on how LGBT+ inclusive you feel we were when you used our mental health and learning disability services. We are asking people who have used our services to feedback on their experiences via our online survey. The survey is open until Thursday 30 June and...
Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in CAMHS, Mental health, News, Research on 15th September, 2021
Robin Tay, CAMHS Participation Worker, describes his experiences of leading young people’s involvement in the CAMHS Research, Audit and Evaluation (CRAE) Group. Robin comments: “Young people have been involved in the CRAE group since it was formed in 2018 and, as a Participation Worker, I have supported and encouraged their input....
Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in CAMHS, Research on 29th January, 2021
The NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula give updates regarding NIHR CRN research in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, and in the January issue, have included updates on two studies recently opened by the Research and Development team at Devon Partnership NHS Trust. The two Child and...
Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Research on 15th July, 2020
The Research and Development team have made an enormous contribution to the largest interventional mental health trial ever conducted in the UK. The HOME Study looked at whether introducing a new approach called Proactive Liaison Psychiatry (PLP) to the identification and management of psychological problems for older people in acute general...