Care Certificate Celebration Day 2023

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Nursing on 5th December, 2023

Care Certificate Celebration DayToday we mark Care Certificate Celebration Day. This day was created to celebrate the Care Certificate and the support workers who have worked hard to achieve it. The certificate is used by Health and Care organisations all over the country and is an identified set of standards that Health and Care professionals adhere to in their daily working life. Designed with the unregistered workforce in mind, the certificate gives everyone the confidence that Health and Care professionals have the same introductory skills, knowledge, and behaviours to provide compassionate, safe and high-quality care.

Paul Blackmore, Apprenticeship Lead said: "We are proud to have a small but dedicated team within DPT to support all staff with the successful completion of the Care Certificate. For new staff needing to undertake the Certificate Lucy Drury offers a welcome 1:1 session to introduce the Standards and provide guidance to set the person off on the right path. Belinda Orchard and Lucy also provide support to assessors and managers as to how to effectively support, observe and assess their Care Certificate learners to achieve their qualification within the required timeframe."

Read through just some of the positive stories about the support the team has provided to staff across the organisation below.

For all Care Certificate questions please email

Staff stories

Sean Constable, Apprentice Nurse 

"When I came into my role of Support Worker I felt as though I had enough knowledge and life skills, but it was important to me to have a greater understanding of the expectations of the role aside from the mandatory training, which the Care Certificate provided.

"Since completing the Care Certificate improving my skills and knowledge and having a better understanding of my role and responsibilities has really helped my confidence. So much so, I wanted to learn more and have completed the Senior Mental Health Support Worker Apprenticeship and have recently embarked on my Registered Nursing Degree Apprenticeship."

Lyanna WilsonLyanne Wilson, Education Technician and TRiM Practitioner 

“I really enjoyed the training I undertook in order to be able to assess my peer with the completion of the Care Certificate. The way it was presented made it so easy to follow and I would highly recommend it! Lucy was amazing and was always on hand to support me.” 

Georgios Alexakis, Engagement and Involvement Assistant 

"I really enjoyed the Care Certificate training. I found it very interesting and very beneficial, for both my everyday duties and career prospects. Lucy has been very helpful and supportive and was always on hand for advice."


Emmanuel ChirwaEmmanuel Chirwa. Nursing Assistant, Holcombe Ward, Langdon 

"I am Emmanuel but people know me as Manny at work. I work in Holcombe Ward. I am originally from Malawi, Southeast Africa. 

"Unfortunately, I didn't like school. The subjects and teachers never interested me and all I could think about was starting up my own business. Before moving to the UK, I was a self-employed taxi-driver, I owned my own grocery shop as well as a bar. 

"In 2013, I moved to the UK where I started working in different sectors. Before my current role as HCA, I worked for DPT as a Facilities Assistant. One of the patients persuaded me to make a career change so I joined HCA.   

"In the beginning, I felt nervous because I knew there was a lot of studying involved, e.g. the Care Certificate. But, after a helpful chat with my colleague Abi, I felt inspired to do the certificate. She told me that I would enjoy it and therefore, I trusted her and started the process. 

"I enjoyed doing the Care Certificate. I learned a lot and in the end, it showed me that even though I disliked school and wanted to do business when I was younger, this course made me understand that my true passion is supporting people and helping whoever is in need. Without doing the Care Certificate course, I would never have figured out my true passion. 

"Studying here is the best, I have been supported throughout the process until the end. It was a very interesting and enjoyable journey for myself and for my career.  

"I'm very pleased I completed the Care Certificate. For me, it has not only deepened my knowledge, but I also feel I am better equipped to deal with those who need extra support. 

"Throughout this course, I've had the chance to explore various aspects of caregiving, from understanding diverse patient needs to learning essential skills. It has been interesting and I'm eager to put my newfound knowledge into action.  

"I recommend the Care Certificate to anyone interested in the field of caregiving. It's a rewarding experience that not only equips you with the necessary skills but also fosters empathy and a sense of purpose."

Gemma Fellows, Ward Manager, Holcombe Ward, Langdon

“Emmanuel is a valued member of the team who joined us from the Facilities Team recently as he would like to work alongside patients more and develop his own skills around supporting patients. Since joining the team Emmanuel has shown dedication and enthusiasm to settle and develop into his new role. His dedication towards completion of the Care Certificate and how much time and effort he put into this reflects how he practically works on the ward. It has been great to have Manny on the ward and part of the nursing team and I am looking forward to seeing him develop further into his career, well done Manny.”

Abigail Hughes, Ashcombe Ward, Langdon

"The Care Certificate has been the start to some of our teams' development and drive to going further with their training and signing up to doing their nursing training. Being able to be a part of that is rewarding and inspiring. I would encourage anyone coming into health care to do their Care Certificate because health care is always changing and developing and it could just help you to develop further in your career."

Amelia Jones, Care Certificates Assessor, Belvedere Ward, OPMH

"Myself and my colleagues, who are Assistant Practitioners on Belvedere, have been assessing new staff to complete their Certificates over the past few years. We feel the new way of assessing has greatly improved and has given us the ability to share and transfer our knowledge and skills to new members to enable them to be confident in their new role.

"Our small team has a few helpers, our invaluable HCA's, who have been observing and guiding our new staff, they are great assets to our team and are approachable and friendly showing compassion through a collaborative approach.

"They have to complete a small elearning course enabling them to assist with the care certificates and the standards.

"There are two ways to assess, firstly is by completing each step one at a time covering each standard individually. The second, which is the preferred method on Belvedere, is to observe a holistic intervention on the ward in real time and cross reference the skills asking questions, listening to the learner's answers and giving them time to reflect. We feel this approach leads to a greater level of understanding. I highly encourage others to become involved.

"We are looking forward to starting with our new colleagues in the not so distant future."

Lucy Drury, Practice Education Assistant, Care Certificate Team

"It's fantastic to hear from staff completing the Care Certificate on the Bank and in substantive roles - of the amazing support they receive from their managers, Assessors and teams.

"I hear first hand how they value the support and warm welcome to their new roles, and for some this is their first experience working in DPT.

"Another part of my role I really enjoy is seeing our Health Care Support workers being able to share their valuable knowledge and experience when working as Care Certificate Assessors."

Find out more about the Care Certificate, contact the team at
