Annual Health Check – Final Declaration Submitted

Posted on 9th May, 2006

Every year, all NHS Trusts have to complete a self-declaration of compliance with the  Governments ‘Standards for Better Health.’  These declarations are submitted to the Healthcare Commission as part of their Annual Health Check (the process which has replaced Star Ratings).  The Healthcare Commission is responsible for carrying out independent assessments of the performance of each local NHS organisation. The annual health check has replaced the old 'star ratings' assessment system and looks at a much broader range of issues than the targets used previously, and seeks to make much better use of the data, judgements and expertise of others to focus on measuring what matters to people who use and provide healthcare services. The overall aim of the new assessment of peformance, and the information gained through the process, is to promote improvements in healthcare.  It will also help people to make better informed decisions about their care, promote the sharing of information and give clearer expectations on standards of performance. The Devon Partnership NHS Trust has submitted it’s statement of compliance which includes feedback from a number of local stakeholders, such as the Strategic Health Authority, Patient and Public Involvement Forum and Overview and Scrutiny Committees.  The statement provides assurance to the Commission that the Trust is meeting the core Standards for Better Health in areas including safety, accessible and responsive care, patient focus, governance, public health, care environment an amenities and clinical and cost effectiveness. The Trust submitted its return towards the end of April and declared itself to be compliant across all standards. The Commission will now consider all of the responses from around the country and will then visit around 20% of Trusts to inspect and validate the returns during June and July.  These Trusts have not yet been identified.  Trusts should receive their Annual Health Check rating sometime around October.

A copy of the Trust’s declaration can be found here.
