Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 20th December, 2023
Many people who have experienced psychosis are supported in their recovery and rehabilitation by our specialist services. The teams help with all aspects of a person’s recovery, including life skills, physical health and vocational rehabilitation. This support doesn’t just come to an end when someone leaves the ward and returns to...
Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, News, Recovery and wellbeing on 15th December, 2023
This year, National Tree Week was celebrated from the 27 November to the 3 December and is a national campaign by the Tree Council to mark the beginning of the UK’s tree-planting season. NHS Forest have distributed 5,500 trees to 29 NHS sites to mark National Tree Week and we were...
Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 14th December, 2023
The festive period can be a time of joy and excitement, but it may also be particularly hard for some people. It may bring up feelings of loneliness or you may be feeling financial and work pressures. If you’re struggling, the Devon Wellbeing Hub is here to help. We realise that...