


Spotlight On Rachel Webb - Pride of DPT Inspirational Colleague Award (non-clinical) winner

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, News on 29th November, 2023

Spotlight On Rachel Webb - Pride of DPT Inspirational Colleague Award (non-clinical) winner

The Inspirational Colleague Award (non-clinical) recognises an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to our organisation, often not fully realising the value they bring. This person is a constant support to those around them and is someone who inspires and encourages colleagues on a daily basis even at times...

Get festive for a cause at Jolly Christmas Clothing Thursday 14 December

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 27th November, 2023

Get festive for a cause at Jolly Christmas Clothing Thursday 14 December

Embrace the holiday cheer with a unique twist this year at Jolly Christmas Clothing on Thursday 14 December. Join us in supporting the DPT Charity by donning your favourite festive fashion, be it subtle Santa socks or a dazzling light-up Christmas jumper! Participating is easy and fun – wear as little or...

Carers Rights Day: your rights today, tomorrow and in the future

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Carers, News on 23rd November, 2023

Carers Rights Day: your rights today, tomorrow and in the future

Today is Carers Rights Day. Each year, we promote this day to raise awareness, identify carers and guide them to information, advice and support. Whether someone has recently become a carer, realised they have been caring without support, or has been caring for someone for many years, it is important they understand...

Nursing Support Workers' Day 2023

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Nursing on 23rd November, 2023

Nursing Support Workers' Day 2023

Today, we are proud to celebrate Nursing Support Workers' Day. We would like to take this opportunity to recognise the invaluable contribution our Healthcare Support Workers (HCSW) make every day supporting our nursing teams, colleagues and patients in our care. We value our support workers and healthcare assistants working across our...

Sign up for the Devon Wellbeing Hub’s course on healthy eating perspectives

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 22nd November, 2023

Sign up for the Devon Wellbeing Hub’s course on healthy eating perspectives

The Devon Wellbeing Hub are pleased to announce that due to the success of their pilot ‘Embrace your Plate’ course, they will be running another in January 2024. Embrace your plate: shaping healthy perspectives is a eight-week course that is designed to support individuals who would like to have a more...
