


Spotlight On Sue Pike - Pride of DPT Inspirational Colleague Award (clinical) winner

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, News on 31st August, 2022

Spotlight On Sue Pike - Pride of DPT Inspirational Colleague Award (clinical) winner

The Inspirational Colleague award recognises individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to our organisation, often not fully realising the value they bring. This person is a constant support to those around them and is someone who inspires and encourages colleagues on a daily basis even at times of extreme...

Salus Ward receives generous donation

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 31st August, 2022

Salus Ward receives generous donation

Over the last four years we have been working with the construction company Kier to build a new acute inpatient unit. The new ward, to be known as Salus, is at Torbay Hospital and has been cleverly constructed on a relatively narrow and sloping piece of land behind our other...

Retirement for Lily

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 24th August, 2022

Retirement for Lily

After a fantastic six years of continuous contribution, Nikki Pelmear and Lily are stepping down from DPT as volunteers. Pets As Therapy Volunteers are dedicated pet owners who give up their spare time to help others. Volunteers and their pets bring comfort and companionship to those in the healthcare setting. Hospital...

Spotlight On Thea Bull - Pride of DPT Inspirational Colleague Award (clinical) winner

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, News on 19th August, 2022

Spotlight On Thea Bull - Pride of DPT Inspirational Colleague Award (clinical) winner

The Inspirational Colleague of the Year Award (clinical) recognises an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to our organisation, often not fully realising the value they bring. This person is a constant support to those around them and is someone who inspires and encourages colleagues on a daily basis...

Jasmine Lodge receives LUSH donation

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 15th August, 2022

Jasmine Lodge receives LUSH donation

Jasmine Lodge, our Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) were excited to receive a donation from LUSH, a company creating fresh handmade cosmetics. LUSH provide charitable donations to registered and un-registered charities, not-for-profits and community organisations through their Charitable Giving programme. These are granted to individuals who can't easily access self-care products. Gabrielle...
