


Help us to improve our services by sharing your views on 'talking therapies'

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News on 29th July, 2022

Here in Devon, we’re making changes to the way we deliver community mental health services to ensure that services are more-joined up, easier to access, and meet the needs of the different populations we support across the county. These changes are known nationally as the Community Mental Health Framework. A key element of...

We are the South West's first NHS organisation to sign UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, Mental health, News on 27th July, 2022

We are the South West's first NHS organisation to sign UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter

We have formally signed-up to UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter, committing us to better rights for workers. UNISON’s charter highlights well-funded, high-quality apprenticeships leading to a meaningful job, making an important contribution in addressing skills gaps and tackling unemployment. It also calls for apprenticeships to be developed jointly by employers, trade unions, training...

Pride of DPT Awards 2022

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in #ProudofDPT, Events and conferences, News on 26th July, 2022

Pride of DPT Awards 2022

On Tuesday 5 July we celebrated our annual awards in an uplifting virtual event. This year, we relaunched our awards with a new name: Pride of DPT and revised the award categories to really capture the essence of what the awards mean and why it's so important for us to take the...

Devon Wellbeing Hub – supporting those who support others

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 26th July, 2022

Devon Wellbeing Hub – supporting those who support others

Throughout July, the Samaritans are running their Talk To Us campaign, reminding people they are there for anyone who needs someone to listen. At the Devon Wellbeing Hub, we want to remind you that we are also here to help those who help others. As well as being open to anyone...

The DPT Charity enhances the Haytor Walled Garden

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News, Recovery and wellbeing on 22nd July, 2022

The DPT Charity enhances the Haytor Walled Garden

The DPT Charity was able to help enhance the Haytor Ward Walled Garden by supporting the installation of artificial turf to improve the wellbeing of our colleagues and patients. Steve Grant, Occupational Therapy Assistant at Haytor Ward, said: “We had a small plot of land in our therapy Walled Garden that was...
