


Exeter Inflatable 5k - DPT Charity places available

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 28th January, 2022

Exeter Inflatable 5k - DPT Charity places available

The world’s largest and best Inflatable 5K is coming to Exeter on Saturday 23 April.  This year's edition of the course which takes place at Westpoint, has three additional brand new obstacles, meaning you will tackle 32 huge obstacles on the 5K distance. Combined with five music zones to motivate you...

Five things not to say when someone has an invisible disability

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in CAMHS, Mental health, News on 26th January, 2022

A group of CAMHS Equality Champions, including young people, parents and workers, have been sharing personal stories, resources and information over the last few months in order to raise awareness and understanding of invisible disabilities. As we head into 2022 this latest piece from the group shares some thoughts on...

Section 117 survey – please help us improve our aftercare

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 17th January, 2022

Devon Partnership NHS Trust is committed to improving section 117 aftercare and support for users and carers of our services. If you have been detained in hospital under sections 3, 37, 45A, 47, or 48 of the Mental Health Act then you are eligible for section 117 aftercare. Aftercare planning...

Thank you to Elaine, 99, our charity kayaker

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 4th January, 2022

Thank you to Elaine, 99, our charity kayaker

In November 2021, incredible 99-year-old Elaine challenged herself to paddle on the Exeter canal from Turf Locks to Countess Wear in a single kayak. It took about two hours raising an incredible £2,039 for the DPT Charity. This was an incredibly hard challenge for Elaine, not only because of her age,...
