


Exeter Great West Run places to support our DPT charity

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 28th December, 2021

Exeter Great West Run places to support our DPT charity

Exeter Great West Run is scheduled to take place Sunday 22 May 2022. The 13.1 mile route has it all; a journey through the city centre, followed by pretty country lanes and stunning views across Exeter and a fantastic stadium finish. We have limited free places now for the event people...

Pause for Thought - Light in a dark world

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Pause for Thought on 22nd December, 2021

Pause for Thought - Light in a dark world

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, Malc Reddaway, Senior Chaplain, reminds us of the truth behind the story we are so familiar with. The festive season is a time to cherish those we love but to also remember those who are less fortunate this Christmas time. Malc says: "We’re told it’s...

Festive gift for secure services from HMP Channings Wood

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News on 22nd December, 2021

Festive gift for secure services from HMP Channings Wood

During this year patients at HMP Channings Wood have been provided with the opportunity to engage in a collaborative and co-produced horticulture group called 'Growing inside'. The group not only allows participants to learn about horticulture and gardening, but also supports individuals with developing other skills: including social skills and...

Skydivers support the DPT Charity

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 21st December, 2021

Skydivers support the DPT Charity

This November brave staff members Ruth Shearman, Business Support Administrator and Angela Moon, Specialist Occupational Therapist took to the skies to raise money for the DPT Charity. Jumping out of a plane at 15,000ft is an incredible undertaking and both these ladies faced this once in a lifetime challenge with...

Devon Wellbeing Hub can support you this Christmas

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Carers, Mental health, News, Recovery and wellbeing on 17th December, 2021

Devon Wellbeing Hub can support you this Christmas

Christmas should be a time of joy and celebration yet the challenges we have faced throughout the year show no signs of letting up. In light of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, there are now increased pressures on healthcare, the police and social care at a time when you and...
