


CAMHS Equality Champions: Raising Awareness of Invisible Disabilities

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Learning disability, Mental health, News on 19th August, 2021

In our second piece, on raising awareness of invisible disabilities, we hear a moving account from a parent of a child who has an invisible disability. Although it is thought that invisible disabilities account for 96% of chronic medical conditions (Hive Learning, 2021), people with invisible disabilities face a different...

Learning Disability Service Art and Craft Competition winners

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Learning disability, News on 12th August, 2021

Learning Disability Service Art and Craft Competition winners

In June 2021, as part of Learning Disability Week, our Learning Disability Service – Supporting Health and Wellbeing closed Facebook page invited people with learning disabilities to take part in an Art and Craft Competition by posting their entries online. Katy Welsh, Learning Disability Senior Manager, said: "A lot of hard...
