


LGBT+ History Month: Show your support by wearing a rainbow badge

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News on 25th February, 2021

LGBT+ History Month: Show your support by wearing a rainbow badge

At this time when we are celebrating LBGT+ History Month, we invite our staff to wear a Rainbow Badge and send a positive message of inclusion. LGBT+ people continue to face inequalities and barriers to accessing healthcare. Research shows that negative attitudes towards LGBT+ people are still common within the NHS. A...

Pause for Thought - 'Planning Long - living short'

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Pause for Thought on 25th February, 2021

Pause for Thought - 'Planning Long - living short'

One date looms large on the horizon at the moment, 21 June 2021, a date which promises to deliver us our freedom, at last. In this month's Pause for Thought, Jez Brown, Lead Chaplain, talks to us about horizons and how they can be the promise of new beginnings, wild...

Craft packs sent to DRLC course students

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News, Recovery and wellbeing on 25th February, 2021

Craft packs sent to DRLC course students

These lovely craft packs have been put together for two online creative recovery courses run by Devon Recovery Learning Community (DRLC). The DRLC is a Recovery College provided by us for the wellbeing of people in Devon. They offer a wide range of free, open access opportunities to learn about mental health and recovery. Students...

Torbay Half Marathon and 10k places to support our charity

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 25th February, 2021

Torbay Half Marathon and 10k places to support our charity

Torbay Half Marathon has been rescheduled for Sunday 12 September, 2021. The event starts and finishes at Paignton Green and 2021 also sees the introduction of the brand new 10k race. This event will run just one lap of the half marathon route and is perfect for those starting and developing their...

Donations to our Charity have made a real difference to our staff

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 23rd February, 2021

Donations to our Charity have made a real difference to our staff

During the lockdown, staff at Langdon Hospital were struggling with the restrictions and lack of connection both in and out of work. Our DPT Charity helped us provide opportunities to come together safely at drop in sessions. Staff talked about how they had not realised how little they had relaxed in recent...
