


Thank you to our Exeter Great West runners

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 22nd November, 2019

Thank you to our Exeter Great West runners

In October we had some incredible people take on the Exeter Great West Run half marathon to support our charity. Some of our awesome runners let us know how the run went and why they wanted to support us: Becky Carpenter said: “I found the run itself enjoyable, the atmosphere was...

Jolly Christmas Clothing Thursday 2019

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 21st November, 2019

Jolly Christmas Clothing Thursday 2019

Dust off your best Christmas attire, get festive and join us for Jolly Christmas Clothing Thursday on 19 December to support our charity. Wear as much or as little festive fashion as you like from a pair elf socks, or your favourite light up Christmas jumper, or why not dress...

Baking to support our services

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 19th November, 2019

Baking to support our services

Ready, Steady…Bake returned for a second year and asked people to pick any day in October to hold a bake sale, tea party or baking challenge to raise money for our charity. Teams from all across our organisation took part. Katie Bridle and the Finance Team signed up and raised an...

Scott Richards Solicitors make donation to our charity instead of sending Christmas cards

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in Charity, News on 5th November, 2019

Scott Richards Solicitors make donation to our charity instead of sending Christmas cards

Secure Services at Langdon, Dawlish received a £150 donation from Scott Richards Solicitors in Teignmouth. This kind donation was given in place of sending Christmas Cards and was voted for by their clients via a questionnaire. Hayley Smithurst, Personal Assistant at Scott Richards said, “We’re committed to playing our part in...
