


Quality Account 2015/16 published

Posted in News on 30th June, 2016

We are pleased to announce the publication of our Quality Account for 2015/16. All NHS Trusts are required to produce Quality Accounts and this publication contains a host of interesting and useful information about our performance last year and our priorities for the year ahead. Click here to view the Quality Account.

Working with anxiety - New film from MINDFUL EMPLOYER

Posted in News on 29th June, 2016

Working with Anxiety is a new film exploring how anxiety affects the ability to work and carry out other day to day activities, and highlights key ways to aid recovery. This film is produced through our MINDFUL EMPLOYER initiative run by Workways which provides managers, businesses and organisations with information, support and training...

Message to our staff following EU referendum result

Posted in News on 27th June, 2016

Dear Colleagues Following last week’s referendum result, I am sure that many of you will have questions about the possible effect of the referendum result on our country and the NHS. As I am sure you will appreciate, the position will not become clearer until the UK government has entered into negotiations...

Devon recruitment to research study hoping to reduce carers' distress

Posted in News on 14th June, 2016

A clinical research study is actively recruiting relatives and close friends of people with psychosis or bipolar disorder in Devon to test the effectiveness of a free online toolkit in reducing their distress. REACT (Relatives Education and Coping Toolkit) is an online toolkit for relatives or close friends aged 16 or...
