


10th Anniversary or MINDFUL EMPLOYER

Posted by Devon Partnership Trust in News on 10th December, 2013

Next year sees the 10th Anniversary of MINDFUL EMPLOYER. Started simply as a local initiative in Exeter in 2004, MINDFUL EMPLOYER has since attracted support and interest from all over the UK with hundreds of employers using it’s innovative approach to improve workplace support for people with a mental health condition. We...

LiA Pass it on event a great success

Posted on 5th December, 2013

Dr Pamela Bowman, a trainee psychiatrist with the Trust, has won the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ (RCPsych) Award for Core Psychiatric Trainee of the Year for 2013. She was presented with her award by Dr Wendy Burn, Dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, at a ceremony at The Royal...

Trainee psychiatrist scoops national award

Posted in #ProudofDPT, Mental health, News on 4th December, 2013

Dr Pamela Bowman, a trainee psychiatrist with Devon Partnership NHS Trust, has won the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ (RCPsych) Award for Core Psychiatric Trainee of the Year for 2013. Pamela lives in Torbay and is in her second of three years of core psychiatry training with the Trust.  Prior to...
