


Networks – ‘Go Live’ 28th July

Posted on 25th July, 2008

In 2005 we undertook a thorough review of our services that showed we needed to re-design them to make them more joined-up, convenient and easy to use. As a result we are making some important changes to the way we work and are introducing networks of care that will enable...

Devon Partnership Trust launches Cleanyourhands Campaign

Posted on 10th July, 2008

Monday 14th July sees the launch of the cleanyourhands campaign.  This is a national campaign co-ordinated by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA).  It aims to improve the hand hygiene of healthcare workers and help trusts in England and Wales to tackle healthcare associated infections. In acute trusts the campaign is...

Trust welcomes findings of NHS review

Posted on 2nd July, 2008

Devon Partnership NHS Trust has warmly welcomed the findings of Lord Darzi’s review of the NHS, High Quality Care for All, which has been published to coincide with the 60th birthday of the health service. Commenting on the review, the Trust’s Medical Director, Dr David Somerfield, said: “Helping people to stay...
