


Notice of Election

Posted on 27th May, 2008

For the Council of Governors of the proposed Devon Partnership NHS Foundation Trust The Trust gives notice that it will hold elections to the Council of Governors of the proposed Devon Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.Elections are to be held for the following positions:Fourteen Patient Governors in the following constituencies: Mental health service...

Standards Assurance

Posted on 22nd May, 2008

In April 2008, the Trust submitted a statement to the Healthcare Commission assuring them that we are meeting the core Standards for Better Health and the requirements of the Hygiene Code. The two exceptions to our compliance were in the areas of medicines management and mandatory training and we will...

Summary Business Plan

Posted on 12th May, 2008

The Trust has produced a summary of its business plan for 2008/09 for staff and external stakeholders. The summary provides a useful snapshot of plans and priorities for the current financial year, as well as a quick review of performance in 2007/08. Click here for a summary of the Trust's plans...
