I need help with...

I have or am at risk of wanting to self harm

If you feel like you want to hurt yourself then it’s essential that you seek help from professionals immediately. 

Self-harm isn’t an accident, it’s the intention to damage or harm ourselves. It can also be a cry for help. Up to 10% of young people may self-harm in some way, with social problems, trauma or psychological issues all potential causes. Learn more

Self-harm can be more than purposefully cutting, burning or damaging the skin. It can also include poisoning with chemicals or drugs, misusing substances like alcohol or drugs, deliberately starving yourself or bingeing, or exercising excessively. Learn more

If you’re considering harming yourself, or already do so, then it’s important that you understand why. There are professionals that can help you understand why, and make a difference. Tackling the causes of self-harm early can help reduce the likelihood of suicide.

What to do

Your GP can provide information and advice, as well as referring you for an assessment with your local community mental health service. They can then help to understand why you are self-harming, and can work with you to make a change.

If you don’t feel safe right now, then seek help immediately. You can call 999 or get a friend, relative or loved one to do it for you. Learn more

If you need help and advice at any time (24/7, 365 days per year) then you can contact Samaritans on 116 123. Learn more

Organisations like Harmless and the National Self-Harm Network are also on hand to offer specialist support and advice. Learn more

If you are in crisis call 111 and select the mental health option or visit our 'I need help now' page or contact Samaritans on 116 123 or jo@samaritans.org.
