I need help with...

I have a long term health condition affecting my mood

Living with a long-term health condition is tough already, but physical problems can often affect your mental health too. 

Our physical health and mental health are closely linked.  It’s not uncommon for people living with a long term condition to experience a low mood, anxiety or depression, in fact they are more than twice as likely to experience them.

Living with a long-term health condition can often lead some people to develop mental health conditions.

It’s something that the NHS takes very seriously, and is improving the range of support available. Learn more

What to do

Your mood can change over time, so it’s worth keeping an eye on how you’re feeling. You can ‘Check your mood’ with a free self-assessment tool provided by the NHS. Learn more

If you feel you’re become stressed, anxious or depressed the NHS has developed some simple ways that you can help yourself to feel happier, developing skills and strategies to cope with your emotions. Learn more

If your stress, anxiety or depression is seriously affecting your daily life then it’s important that you speak to you GP.

You can also contact TALKWORKS  whose Talking Health Team can help people manage the emotional difficulties that often go hand in hand with experiencing a long-term physical health condition, such as COPD, diabetes or obesity.

If you are in crisis call 111 and select the mental health option or visit our 'I need help now' page or contact Samaritans on 116 123 or jo@samaritans.org.
