Working Together

We are committed to working Together in everything that we do. We are committed to working in partnership, involving those who use our services and their carers in service delivery and improvement. 

Our aims:

Our aims include the ambition to:

‘Involve – ensure that the people who use our services are driving and shaping them.’ 

Our aspiration: 

We want to embed this commitment to work together even further into our everyday work: 

"As we move towards becoming a recognised centre of excellence and expertise, and having more influence over the commissioning and delivery of mental health and learning disability services in Devon, we want to involve the people who use our services in a more meaningful way."

Our challenge:

We recognise that making such a big change to the way that we do things may challenge some of our existing organisational policies and procedures, and that staff need support to develop new ideas and genuinely innovative practice. 

Our principles:

Our steering group, which included input from people who use our services and carers, agreed a set of principles to underpin our commitment to working Together and how to achieve our vision:

DPT Together daisy infographic

Our plan to implement Together has three simple but key elements: 

DPT Together Our Plan infographic

For more information about the Together programme email
